Inner Explorer is a mindfulness platform designed to support mental health and well-being in schools and centers. Our pre-kindergarten through high school programs are available in English and Spanish and require no prep work from educators.
Through daily practice with Inner Explorer, school communities learn how to cultivate critical life skills, such as self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and resilience. These skills work to address chronic stress, trauma, and adversity, while also fostering compassionate and equitable learning environments.
Our mission is to make the daily practice of mindfulness approachable and accessible for school communities. We aim to equip educators, students, and their families with valuable life skills that foster human potential.
Inner Explorer is formatted upon Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) protocol, a world-renowned method with over 9000 studies proving its effectiveness in mitigating stress and improving overall well-being. A growing number of these studies focus on the use of mindfulness in learning environments.
Inner Explorer is featured as one of the top ten evidence-based programs to improve executive function skills in students by BrainFutures.
Inner Explorer programs require no preparation or planning. Select a program and begin your daily mindfulness practice today.
When applied in a learning environment, mindfulness has been shown to significantly improve academic performance, decrease behavioral issues and teacher stress.By learning tools to cope with difficult internal and external circumstances, students and educators can focus and absorb new information, students become ready to learn and educators become ready to teach.