Experience Mindful Awareness

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App Overview

Continue your Classroom Journey with flexibility!

Our Classroom App is available for all smartphones and tablets.
The Inner Explorer Classroom app, when downloaded via the app store, allows access to all classroom journeys under the teacher's account using the same login credentials and stays in sync with the school license. The complimentary app design supports back-and-forth logins between mobile and the web-based platform.

Decrease Anxiety

Mindful awareness removes learning roadblocks like stress & anxiety as it takes the nervous system out of 'fight, flight, or freeze.'

Improve Academic Performance

Students who practice mindfulness daily grow focus, concentration, & curiosity for a better academic experience & performance.

Easy to Use

The school's subscription plan offers audio guided awareness practices in English & Spanish, usable anywhere.

Boost Resilience

Daily practice with Inner Explorer improves coping skills like empathy, confidence, & forgiveness to help students regulate their own behavior.

Practice mindful awareness seamlessly between devices with our Inner Explorer Classroom App

What is on the Classroom App?

All Four Age-Appropriate Levels of Programming
English and Spanish
Transition and Sound Practices
Counselor Series & Educator Well-Being Series (for Community/District licenses)
Tune In Registration
21-Day Quest…. and more!

Inner Explorer app is available for all mobile devices!

Download now to get started with Inner Explorer

Frequently Asked Questions

We are innovators that deliver extraordinary interactions which engage and retain users in one-of-a-kind experiences

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness (or mindful awareness) is the practice of paying attention to the present moment. Mindful awareness - when practiced regularly - helps children avoid distraction and unhealthy mental habits, while allowing them to improve their focus, regulate their emotions, and engage more effectively with classmates and teachers. Very few of us really pay attention to any activity as it’s happening. When we do, an entirely new world opens up to us. The more we tune into the present moment, the more fully we can live our lives. We learn to slow down the chattering mind and notice our senses, thoughts and emotions without judging them as right or wrong. We become familiar with the beauty, wisdom, passion and compassion that exist in all of us.

How can I incorporate mindfulness at home?

There are many ways you can incorporate Inner Explorer and the practice of mindful awareness at home. As mentioned above, you can listen in with your child’s class via the “Tune In” feature and ask questions about the practice when your child gets home. Look for opportunities in your everyday family life to incorporate some of the mindfulness practices such as gratitude or deep breathing during a stressful time. Finally, here is a list of recommended readings that will give you more information about mindfulness

Is there research evidence to support the benefits of mindfulness?

Yes, there are more than 40 years of research with thousands of scientific studies documenting improvements in physical and mental health, academic outcomes, and life outcomes as a result of practicing mindful awareness.

How do I know when my child is practicing?

All of our Early Learning programs have a feature created specifically for parents called “Tune In” that allows you to receive notifications when your child’s class is practicing. With this feature, you can also tune in and listen to the track with your child’s class or listen to the track at a later time within 24 hours. Your teacher can send you an invite to this feature once the class has launched their program.