January Moments

Mission Moments

Inner Explorer created Mission Moments to keep you updated on the impact your support and generosity has on those we serve. We want to share not only program developments, but also the stories that warm our hearts and fuel our mission to reach ten million mindful children by 2020. A goal we accomplished because of you. Thank you!

Mission Moments: October 2019

Inner Explorer Improves Children's Executive Function!

For years Inner Explorer has been saying that despite the hundreds of billions of dollars spent annually on education in the US we're failing our children. Kids' brains have been hijacked so they aren't cognitively and emotionally ready to learn.

We were recently chosen by BrainFutures-- in their new report Brain Fitness and Executive Function: Evidence-Based Interventions That Improve Student Outcomes --as one of only 10 vetted programs. The report states: The U.S. cannot afford complacency. Schools do not need

to wait for solutions to be developed and tested. Neuroscience-based programs that improve the outcomes of our youth are readily available. The power to take action and support the health, well-being, and intellectual development of our youth is within the reach of every school in the nation...The evidence is clear: every school in the U.S. should adopt an executive function program. Inner Explorer is one of these elite executive function programs. As a supporter you should be as excited as we are; the validation of the importance and efficacy of the Inner Explorer program continues. Thank you for helping us, help schools, improve the lives of the next generation.

Below is a 2 minute video selection of Robert Kravitz, Superintendent of Englewood, NJ schools, talking about the success of Inner Explorer over two years.

success stories