Changing The World,
One Student At a Time


Get involved in our #MyInnerCompass movement: A way to encourage positive change in our communities through mindfulness.


#MyInnerCompass urges us to be mindful of our words and actions, recognizing that we have the ability to treat difficulties and divide through awareness and compassion. Through sharing #MyInnerCompass, we encourage communities to follow their own inner compass in small ways every day.

Encouraging kindness, empathy and compassion towards ourselves and others through mindfulness.
inner compass

2 of 3 US children have
adverse childhood experiences,
including 8M early learners.

Inner Explorer is committed to unlocking potential and fostering well-being for millions of teachers, students and their families through the daily practice of mindfulness.

2 out of 3 children are exposed to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). The chronic stress that results from this adversity creates a biological chain reaction – blocking healthy brain development, triggering emotional reactivity, and inhibiting learning for children. Mindfulness acts as a countermeasure to chronic stress, teaching relaxation techniques, and social-emotional skills such as self-awareness, self-compassion and emotional regulation, that help children manage difficult emotions.

Through #MyInnerCompass, we aim to raise awareness about the impact of chronic stress, provide mindfulness as a resource and encourage communities to begin a daily mindfulness practice as a way of spreading kindness, empathy and compassion.

Three Ways You Can
Make A Difference

Choose 1 of 3 ways you can make a difference!