Inner Explorer program is a series of daily 5-10 minute audio-guided mindfulness practices. The program focuses on key areas of development, bringing mindfulness to education and helping students prepare for learning. Daily practice teaches kids the practical techniques to appropriately handle difficult emotions such as stress, anxiety, anger and more. Inner Explorer offers programs for all age-groups (PreK-12) that help students with the following themes:
- Discovering Breathing and Relaxation Exercises
- Learning Awareness of Senses
- Using Thought and Emotional Regulation
- Developing Compassion and Connection
- Promoting Social Emotional Learning
Decrease Stress
Daily mindfulness practice has been proven to reduce cortisol levels, which are the body’s stress hormones.
Improve Learning
Students have an improved ability to focus on lesson plans while they enjoy the benefits of mindfulness, such as reduced stress and practical coping skills.
Boost Resilience
Mindfulness improves emotion regulation and expedites the ability to overcome difficulties to reach a state of calm faster.

CASEL Approved
Mental Health
Mandate Aligned
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Protocol
Brain Futures Top 10 Recommendation
PreK - 12 Age Specific Programs
180-Day Audio Guided Practices
Transition and Sound Practices
Spanish Language Practices

Tune In for
Advanced Analytics Dashboard with Usage Report
Mobile App Availability
for Teachers and Parents
Online Technical
Dedicated District
Landing Page
Custom Onboarding Module for Districts
Pre/Post Assessment Options
Mental Health Mandate Supplements

Experience Mindfulness
Inner Explorer helps promote well-being and mental wellness.
Experience today
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Inner Explorer?
Inner Explorer TM is an organization whose mission is to provide mindfulness in schools for PreK-12 classrooms, helping children develop self-awareness, self-control, resilience and compassion. Each series contains 180 audio-guided practices that can be used every day by simply logging in and pressing play. Students and their teachers participate together in the brief (5-10 minute) daily practices. No prep, planning or curriculum changes required.
How is Inner Explorer different from other
We’ve created our mindfulness in school programs the latest scientific research in cognitive neuroscience and developmental psychology. We’ve also fine-tuned the approach over the past five years with direct feedback and guidance from thousands of teachers, administrators and students. Our programs address the major challenges many school systems face, including academic performance, graduation rates, discipline problems, school climate and bullying. Additionally, our programs are simple to implement and cost effective, so they can be rolled out quickly to deliver significant improvements in student achievement. The Inner Explorer program does not require extensive outside training or facilitator. The “Press Play” format allows for immediate access to the program as teachers and students listen to the guided daily practice together. We offer a parent/caretaker “Tune In” so they can listen to the same program as their children each day. This allows families to not only practice together, but also bridges home and school. Most importantly, our programs help children become more compassionate, responsible and productive citizens.
Is Commuity Version Suited for My School?
Best suited for large scale implementation, the Community option provides the opportunity to practice daily mindfulness in the classroom, across single schools or the entire district, and with parents via the @Home family mobile app. learn more
Where can I find a demo or listen to a few
Click here to find some mindfulness practices for each age group.